Ruth Greening - Featured Artist
So, what got you started in making jewelry?

What a simple question that could so easily be given a simple answer that just pops into my head. But then I'm asked to write an article about it, now that takes a lot more thought and reflection! And it seems trite to say "well I have always been interested" but as I reflect on my life path I can honestly say as a child I loved collecting pretty rocks (much to my mother’s chagrin on laundry day). I loved to create fun little things like a bumble bee from a piece of wire and I loved to bake and decorate cakes.
It was my senior year in high school that I was encouraged to pursue my love of art, strangely, from my chemistry teacher and an amazing Art and Craft teacher. It was in the Art & Craft class that I made my first sculpture and more importantly my first silver ring! We went to museums to look at ancient works of art and I was always drawn to the jewelry, always wondering how it was made.
My life has meandered many paths but ultimately 50 years later I found my way back to that little silver ring. I don’t have a formal piece of paper from an esteemed university saying “I know what I’m doing” but I have spent many years seeking out extraordinary teachers, masters in their craft, to learn from and lots of time experimenting on my own. There is still so much to learn and I look forward to it!
Yes, I still am attracted to beautiful stone and sparkly thing and I still play with wire, and cut and saw metals. I am forever thankful to be included in the amazingly talented group of artists at Splash Gallery Olympia, they inspire me to be better every day. And the wonderful friends I have made through this art are a Blessing to my life.